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Senior Co-Chair

Gloria is a junior studying Chemistry and Visual and Environmental

Studies at Harvard. As someone with diverse interests--including filmmaking, medicine, and social empowerment--Gloria seeks to help other students find their voices in film as a part of HCYIF. She aspires to encourage other students to overcome the stumbling blocks of growing up in a tough environment and find their road to success, a goal she finds possible through film.




Junior Co-Chair

Sean Hardy is a sophomore concentrating in Neurobiology-MBB with a secondary in VES Film Production and a citation in French.  He is extremely excited to be working with Youth In Focus for a second year because of his belief that film is a medium that can connect, inspire and educate minds young and old.  His favorite movie is also Moulin Rouge.






Public Relations Chair

Janin is a Social Anthropology concetrator and VES secondary. She hopes to explore social issues and community dynamics through non-fiction filmmaking. Janin is Public Relation Chair for Youth in Focus. She manages social media outlets and the website for Youth in Focus and mentors during the Spring. Janin loves to watch films on her free time, and can often be found in a movie theater at odd hours during the week.






Finance Chair

Ann is a sophomore in Mather House (woo!!). She is originally from Bangkok, Thailand and is still trying to figure out her concentration. On campus, she is an editor at the Harvard International Review and do martial arts. And of course, she is a member of  Harvard College Youth in Focus!!! She absolutely loves HCYIF not just because she loves watching movies and making films, but really because film is a great way to express yourself and get creative. Ann also loves sharing her passion in the arts with high school students in Boston. And of course everyone in HCYIF is totally wonderfull!!! Come join us :)






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